Our goal for 2017 is to make available an “alpha” version of Caliopen allowing everybody to try out the user interface with a functioning -although limited- version of the main features of the project.
This first public version won’t be able to handle multiple protocols yet. Email capabilities will be integrated and the prototype will be able to receive emails sent to the account created by the user. Still, integration with external accounts (Twitter, Facebook, etc…) won’t be possible.
The purpose of this alpha will be to interact with voluntary users to verfiy our choices: is the UI pleasant, easy to use? Is the privacy index (still in a basic version) easy to understand, does it affect user’s behaviour?
To sum it up, at this stage we will simply be trying to understand if we are going in the right direction: there still will be work to be done (a whole year).
Further on, we’ll want to check the interest for Caliopen through a crowdfunding campaign, and we would welcome volounteers who whould like to join us to work on that.
Our crowdfunding, presenting our Alpha and visuals of the “finished product” would allow us to spread the word about Caliopen past the French borders. And, of course, if this crowdfunding operations succeeds, it could fund the beginnings of the foundation that will be in charge to coordinate the free Caliopen ecosystem.